All About Me.

I created my own All about me poster. And I have written  some things about myself.

If you want to do this you will need a computer or a chromebook. After that you have to go on my drive and go on to  new. Then you go and click more and then there will be a thing called google drawings. You click that and it will take you somewhere  that you can do arts and all that. You can discover new things like Polyline or shapes.

Jane Athletics day


Hook-in, It was the tieringest day in my life!

First, on the cold morning I came to school, it was a sunny day and there were lots of students with tutus, wigs, headbands and lots of other stuff coloured pink, orange and purple. But when I came to my friends they were dressed in their colours but they had lots of things. After that suddenly the bell had gone and we ran to the assembly. At the assembly Mr Hendricks said, Today is Athletics day he shouted . Then Mrs Tokoi said you all look pretty and I hope you have a fun day.

Next, After the assembly everyone went to the big feld and sat on a mat and went to do their activities with their classmates. Room 3 and room 8 got to play four different activities on the corner of the feld while other classes were doing their activities on the other side of the feld. We played bunny hop, egg on a spoon and a jumping race. I played bunny hop first, the jumping race after that I played egg on a spoon and then my class and I threw the gumboot  over three sticks. When the bell went the whole school came to the feld and found what activities they are supposed to do. I played a game and it was like relays but you had to put the balls in the basket and the person behind you had to put them back in the coloured basket. There were three teams and six people in each group. Then when the bell rang we all had free lunch. It was burgers then my cousin came and ate with me at the big field with my tall mum. The bell rang then we all went to the mats on the feld and sat there and waited for the teachers to come. While we were waiting we were playing hand games. 

Then, when the teachers came room 3 & 8 played tug of war and it was girls vs boys and the girls won three times. But then Mrs Kumar said it was parents vs students. But the parents won 2 times and students won 1 time because a man helped us. After that we had to run 200 millimetres and some people ran 400 millimetres but I ran 200 and I got second place but Maj got first Tiranga got third place.

Finally, when the day ended we all were sweating, huffing and puffing, drinking water and sitting in the shade.

Cooking with Family

My family and I made a delicious Tongan meal for everybody at home.


First, My favourite aunt Irene and handsome uncle Sione were shopping at Glen Innes Town. My beautiful mum called her on the phone and asked should we make a family meal? Then my favourite auntie Irene replied yes. So aunty got two pigs, one tray of eggs, two shrimp bags and lots of other tongan food. My aunty put all the food in the trunk and it filled the whole space in the  trunk then when my aunty was done she sat in the car ready to come home.


Next, when my favourite aunt Irene and handsome uncle Sione came back with all of the stuff. My loving family started to cook. My short nena Mele and tall papa Teveta made the egg’s. My beautiful mum Neti and pretty sister Alice made the crab, lobster and the pig. My handsome uncle Sione and my dad Peni made lu and raw fish. Lu is cooked seaweed and cooked lamb inside the cooked seaweed and that is how you make lu.  My favourite aunt Irene and I made the salmone and sushi. At first I put seaweed, then I put the rice on top of the seaweed. Then I put the freshly sliced cucumber, chicken on the rice and rolled the sushi. Once rolled, my aunty chopped the sushi. After my favourite auntie Irene and I were done making the sushi we both were going to make desert. For dessert there was going to be a cake. My aunt got the flower, eggs, milk, cooking oil and other ingredients. When we got the ingredients ready we got a bowl. My aunt Irene made the cake but I was watching youtube.


Then, When all the food was done cooking my whole family cleaned the table and then put silver fowl on the table. Then my amazing aunt Irene and beautiful mum Neti put all the food on the table. Then my kind papa Tevita prayed to Jesus and God and then my whole family started eating. 


Finally, When my whole family was done eating we all ate the cake for dessert. We all ate the whole cake till the cake was nothing but crumbs.


I felt amazed by how much effort my loving family and I put in this meal for us to enjoy. It was delectable and yummy.

My Favourite Birthday.

My favourite birthday was when I turned six. My lovely mum woke me up in the morning on Thursday, the fifteenth of August. She told me to go to the living room. I was so surprised because my beautiful, loving family wished me a happy birthday in the morning.

First, I was given a one hundred dollar bill from my handsome, loving papa. He’s from my mum’s side of the family. Then I was given a fifty dollar bill from my kind but short nena. She is also from my mum’s side. They gave me money for my birthday. Then they said happy birthday, Jane.

Then, my little sister and I went to my prettiest aunt’s place for my birthday. Her name is Eva. Alice and I saw my uncle there and my cousin Victor was there too. After that, I started playing with Alice. We played tag and hide and seek and Alice and I were laughing too.

Next, my loving family and I went to get ice cream and then we all went to a big park at Mission Bay. Then Alice and I went to the water fountain and played there. After that, we played in the cold sand. Then we built a sand castle. Alice made a medium-sized castle and I made a small sand castle.

Finally, my family went to our big home and we took a little nap. But when I woke up, I went to the living room and there was a big surprise party. There was music. I saw nine big, bright blue balloons with spots on them and I saw seven yellow balloons with red spots and more colourful things. There were more than 30 balloons. I saw glitter and lots of presents on the table. Then some stuff was painted blue, yellow, purple and pink. We all got together and then they sang the happy birthday song very loudly for me. Then they put the cake on the table and the cake had a bright sky blue colour on it with a bright purple colour on it too. It had my name on the cake too. It had a candle, a symbol of the shape six. The cake just looked amazing.

I felt so happy and loved for what my family had done for me on my favourite birthday. I felt like my family hadn’t forgotten my birthday when they wished me a happy birthday in the morning and that made me feel very happy. When I got the money as well, I felt like I had to share with Alice and that made me happy too. When I went to my aunt’s place, I felt they wanted me to be joyful. When I was playing with Alice on my birthday, I didn’t feel alone. When we went to get ice cream and then went to Mission Bay, I felt happy. Celebrating my sixth birthday is my favourite birthday so far. 

Thank you Card


Thank you Xzavier and your mother for bringing the baby calf and the two little lambs. Thank you so much. We appreciate your support for our school. We thank you so much. The lambs are so cute and the baby calf.

JB, the Calf


I met A baby calf whose name is JB. And two little baby lambs. I loved to pet the calf and the two sheep I even liked when I knew more about the animals because Jasmine the lady who came with the animals was talking about it and I loved hearing about it. Mrs Kumar my teacher took pitchers and then she put it on camera on our school app that we just put on our difices and just typ Glen Innes School then we made some photos and made some art using pitchers. Xzavia’s mother owns a farm but works there.

The lamb and calf was very cute. The way that Xzavier mother made us feel happy and get to pet and feel the lambs and the calf made me so happy and delighted. The calf’s fur was brown and white and had a red leash on its neck. The lambs fur was white in colour and one of them had a pink leash the other one had a purple leash.


The animals that came from Xzavie mother farm are very cute. Some students from room 8 fed the two baby lambs and they were Acacia and cheveu. Xzavie’s mother has worked in a farm for 4 years and his dad has worked for 30 years.

The Fox and the Grapes

My Avatar

I made my avatar just using tynker and you can make your own avatar in a easy way so you just type tynker and press the first link that pops up to you then what you do is that you have to press the link and it might show you a video and then after that you can pick your skin then you can press the button that is going to pop up after that then you can make your avatar how you like it and there is going to be like a new thing and you can click it and you can make your own stile or you can paint the thing that is already on the menu and then you are done.